Stuffed Animal Sleepover
Friday September 13 drop off, pick up Sat. Sept 14, 10-12 noon
We invite your fuzzy friend to sleep over at the library! What fun will they get up to overnight? Librarians will take photos to share with your family. To see photos from last year, scroll to the bottom of the Children's Events page. All ages. |
POSTPONED: Craft Stash Sale!
The Stash Sale is postponed until the winter, probably February/March, in order to accrue more donations for a really great sale. We will still take donations until the 14, and then will have another donation drive in the winter. Thank you for your help and understanding!
Donations accepted between August 26 and September 14, 2024. Clean fabric, yarn, notions, tools, and books relating to fiber arts. Wanted: under-bed storage bins with lids. |
Interlibrary Loan returns!
Update 8/13/24:
The van delivery is set to resume Wednesday, September 4. Interlibrary loan and CAML requesting will become available that week. Please be patient, use moderation, and be judicious about your requests, especially for the first month as we work out any kinks in the system. For more technical details, please see this FAQ from the Maine State Library. |
Tech Help Office Hours
Mondays from 3 to 5 pm
Bring your questions! Learn more about your devices and how to solve problems you may have. Our librarians are happy to assist you with your technology needs, but please note that these sessions are offered to allow you to expand your skills, not as a replacement for professional tech support. When you come in:
Conservation Art Quilt
August 1 to August 31
We are creating another Carver Memorial Library Community Art Quilt and all are invited to participate! Pick up a paper quilt square form at the main desk and use pictures and/or words to design a quilt square that shows what this year’s summer reading themes of conservation, ecology and re-imagining mean to you. Once your square is complete, turn it back in at the desk and we will add it to the quilt to be displayed in our gallery space downstairs. |
Call for submissions:
Dolly Parton's Imagination LibraryInspire your child’s love of reading!
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library mails free, high-quality, age-appropriate books to children from birth to age five. Books will arrive in the mail monthly until your child’s 5th birthday! This FREE BOOKS program is available to all infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in Waldo County. It’s easy to enroll! Click here to register online, download an application form, or ask a librarian for a paper copy. |
Book Club: Westerns (genre)
Second Tuesday of the month, 1pm.
Tuesday, September 10, 1pm Location: Library Reading Room. Come talk about this month's book club pick. All welcome! Discuss or just listen in. Upcoming titles: 2024 August: Genre month--Maine. Read any novel set in Maine. Bonus if it's a Maine author! September: Westerns genre October: Classic Mysteries genre November: The Personal Librarian - Melanie Benedict December: The Thin Man - Dashiell Hammett |
Reading Dragons!How does it work?
Start with the egg, then the child, and go on to earn the whole family! When you’re ready, bring your log back to the library and and get your cards! Earn the whole family or redeem a card or two at a time--it’s up to you! Dragon Families New dragons are added every month, and earlier ones retired. Plan your dragons carefully! Available until September 15, 2024: Melody, Sea Glass, Tree Available until October 15, 2024: Galaxy, Moss, Sunny Available until November 15, 2024: Beach Party, Snowcone, Toadstool |
Crafternoon and DIY Kits
September: Worry Pets
Create colorful and unique works of art! DIY Kits available on the first Friday of the month. Try a new craft or project. Discover your new favorite thing! These are kits for fun projects you can do at home, and they include instructions and supplies. Crafternoons online Thursdays 3:30 to 4:30pm Click here to join Zoom. Crafts and socializing. Break out your knitting, craft projects, or mending and join us for conversation, questions, and new friends. Drop in any week. |
Spice Club
Friday mornings from 10:30-11:30
Downstairs in the Children's Room. Music, movement, stories, and more, for children and their caregivers. Families are welcome to join in!
Ronda will join Jeana and Mr. Ropes at Penobscot Marine Museum on Saturday, September 28 at 3:00 for Saturday Sessions at the Main Street Gallery. All are welcome for this free, family-oriented event, where we'll sing songs and share song-based picture books that all relate to cats, the ocean, and ships. Weather cancellations will be posted on our Facebook page. |
Waldo County Bounty Share Shed
From June to October
Located against the wall by the back parking lot. Stop by and leave or take fresh produce! Free and open to all. A project in partnership with Waldo County Bounty. |
Carver Memorial Library
12 Union Street / P.O. Box 439 Searsport, ME 04974 |