Free tax preparation for low- to middle-income taxpayers is offered by the AARP Foundation in conjunction with the IRS; there is no age limit and AARP membership is not required.
Location and appointments Searsport Community Building, 42 Prospect St (former Lion's Club; see below for directions)
For an appointment, or if you have tax-related questions, please call coordinator Pat Snyder at 567-3137. The library is not making the appointments this year.
Please make separate appointments for more than one tax return. If married, both spouses should come to the appointment to sign documents.
Pandemic protocols: Face masks recommended.
Exclusions AARP Tax Help does not do returns that involve rental income or complex business returns (no home office; no depreciation; no employees; no inventory; no net loss). This year they also will not be doing out-of-state or non-resident returns.
Tax documentation to bring These must be printed documents or your written information; they cannot download or copy off your cellphone or computer. (Printing is available at Carver Memorial Library, $0.10 per sheet.)
Photo ID
Social Security cards for all on the return
copy of last year's tax return
all tax documents including property tax or rent information (street address if you have PO Box mailing address)
social security Form SSA-1099 plus any additional SSI or SSDI received
any accounting needed for self-employment
college expenses with Form 1098 from the college; student loan interest paid
unemployment Form 1099-G; any other income, such as gambling, tips, etc.
If you have Affordable Care Act health insurance, you must bring form 1095-A.
statement of how much stimulus/recovery rebate you received including that received this year
canceled check or bank account number and bank routing number
Assistance is available for the Maine PTFC (Property Tax Fairness Credit). Maine requires the addition of SSI and SSDI income plus all other income to calculate your credit.
Directions This year tax appointments will be at the Searsport Community Building,42 Prospect St. This is the former Lion’s Club building. It’s between the school bus parking lot and the Water District office.
Detailed directions:
From Route 1, turn north on Prospect Street by Bayview Manor.
When you see the speed limit sign increase, slow down and start keeping your eyes out on the left.
First is the School bus parking, in the woods.
Look for the Searsport Community Building sign in between two driveways. Either driveway works.
Then the water district driveway. If you reach the Water District, turn around, go south, and take the next driveway on the right.
Tax help outside of tax season For free tax help, low- and middle-income Maine taxpayers may visit, call 2-1-1, or visit