Landscape and Garden
Our goal is for the the library look its best, and bring a moment of natural beauty and tranquility to those who visit. You can see our landscape plan brochure here (.pdf).
We're working on our landscape plan, and looking for any of these plants, if you have any to share or want to sponsor. We plan to focus on native plants, and food bearing varieties in particular. Arborvitae (Cedar) Thuja occidentalis Red Chokeberry Photinia (Aronia) arbutifolia CInquefoil Potentilla fruticosa Arrowwood Viburnum nudum v. dentatum Sweet Spire Button bush Pepper bush New Jersey Tea Butterfly Weed Asclepias tuberosa Obedient Plant Physostegia virginiana |
Carver Memorial Library
12 Union Street Searsport, ME 04974 |